It’s crucial to measure the core web vitals of websites so that they can provide a better user experience and rank on the search engine. Let’s first understand what Core Web Vitals are. Well, these page experience signals that help in determining the user experience on a website. In simple words, these vitals are signals that help to measure how quickly visitors can interact with the website and what sort of result they are getting. Through these web vitals, it is also easy to measure whether it is easy for the users to navigate through the website or not.
Here are some of the tips that will help in improving the core web vitals:
PermalinkCompress the site’s images
The images are the largest element for many websites. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize the images available on the website to make the web pages lighter and more functional. So, you can compress the size of the image which will ultimately improve the loading speed and your website’s rankings on search engines.
PermalinkWork on the server response time
Most importantly, one must focus on the server response time for improving the core web vitals. If there is a long server response time then it can negatively impact your SEO services and UX. So, what should be done in such a case? Well, for measuring the server response time, you can use Time to First Byte. Through this, one can identify the time for which the web browser receives the first byte of the page’s content.
PermalinkFocus on lessening JavaScript execution
Another tip that you should consider for improving core web vitals is by reducing the JS execution. What does the reduction of JS execution mean? Well, this means reducing the time that is taken between the browser execution of JS code and the web page. One of the ways that you can do to reduce this time is by code splitting. Code splitting is all about separating the JavaScript bundle into various smaller pieces.
PermalinkTo sum up
From the above, it can be concluded that core web vitals will get improved by reducing the JavaScript execution. Along with this, compressing the available images on the business website and focusing on the server response time can also be helpful.