Shopify Payments vs. Third-Party Gateways: Choosing the Right Payment Solution


5 min read

As an e-commerce entrepreneur, one of the critical decisions you'll face is choosing the right payment solution for your online store. Shopify, a leading e-commerce platform, offers its native payment solution called Shopify Payments, alongside third-party payment gateways.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the nuances of Shopify Payments and third-party gateways, comparing their features, fees, and functionalities to help you make an informed decision for your e-commerce business.

Understanding Shopify Payments

A. What is Shopify Payments?

Shopify Payments is Shopify's built-in payment solution, designed to simplify the process of accepting payments for merchants on the platform. It enables merchants to securely process credit card payments directly through their Shopify store, eliminating the need for third-party payment gateways.

B. Key Features of Shopify Payments

  • Seamless Integration: Shopify Payments is seamlessly integrated into the Shopify platform, offering a user-friendly setup process and streamlined payment processing.

  • Multi-Currency Support: Shopify Payments supports multiple currencies, allowing merchants to sell internationally without the hassle of currency conversion.

  • Fraud Prevention Tools: Shopify Payments includes built-in fraud prevention tools and chargeback protection to safeguard merchants against fraudulent transactions.

  • Automatic Payouts: Merchants receive automatic payouts from Shopify Payments, typically within 2-3 business days, eliminating the need for manual withdrawal requests.

C. Pros and Cons of Shopify Payments

  • Simplified Setup: Shopify Payments is easy to set up and configure, with no additional accounts or integrations required.

  • Seamless Integration: As a native solution, Shopify Payments seamlessly integrates with Shopify's backend, providing a cohesive user experience.

  • Competitive Fees: Shopify Payments offers competitive transaction fees, particularly for merchants on higher-tier Shopify plans.

  • Limited Availability: Shopify Payments is not available in all countries, restricting access for merchants in certain regions.

  • Chargeback Fees: While Shopify Payments provides chargeback protection, merchants may still incur chargeback fees for disputed transactions.

  • Restricted Industries: Shopify Payments has restrictions on certain high-risk industries, limiting its suitability for businesses in those sectors.

Exploring Third-Party Payment Gateways

A. What are Third-Party Payment Gateways?

Third-party payment gateways are external payment processing services that facilitate online transactions between merchants and customers. These gateways support various payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, digital wallets, and alternative payment options, opined Shopify development experts in Dubai.

B. Key Features of Third-Party Payment Gateways

  • Wide Range of Payment Methods: Third-party gateways support a wide range of payment methods, catering to diverse customer preferences and global markets.

  • Flexibility and Customization: Third-party gateways offer flexibility and customization options, allowing merchants to tailor their payment processing experience to their specific needs.

  • International Support: Many third-party gateways support international payments and multi-currency transactions, enabling merchants to expand their global reach.

C. Pros and Cons of Third-Party Payment Gateways

  • Global Accessibility: Third-party payment gateways are accessible to merchants worldwide, regardless of their location or Shopify plan.

  • Industry Compatibility: Third-party gateways may offer specialized solutions for high-risk industries or niche markets not supported by Shopify Payments.

  • Competitive Pricing: Some third-party gateways offer competitive transaction fees and pricing structures, particularly for merchants processing high volumes of transactions.

  • Integration Complexity: Integrating third-party payment gateways with Shopify may require additional setup and configuration, potentially introducing complexity to the payment processing workflow.

  • External Dependency: Third-party gateways rely on external service providers, which may result in downtime or service interruptions beyond the merchant's control.

  • Additional Fees: Third-party gateways may impose additional fees, such as setup fees, monthly fees, or per-transaction fees, which can impact overall transaction costs.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Payment Solution

A. Business Requirements and Industry Considerations

  • Evaluate your business requirements, including transaction volume, average order value, and target markets, to determine the most suitable payment solution.

  • Consider industry-specific factors, such as regulatory compliance requirements and risk considerations, when choosing between Shopify Payments and third-party gateways.

B. Cost and Fee Structure

  • Compare the transaction fees, processing rates, and additional fees associated with Shopify Payments and third-party gateways to assess their impact on your bottom line.

  • Take into account any hidden fees, chargeback fees, or currency conversion fees that may apply to your transactions.

C. Payment Method Support and Accessibility

  • Assess the range of payment methods supported by each payment solution, including credit cards, debit cards, digital wallets, and alternative payment options.

  • Consider the accessibility of the payment solution to your target audience, particularly if you serve international customers or operate in regions where Shopify Payments is not available.

D. Integration and Compatibility

  • Evaluate the ease of integration and compatibility of each payment solution with your Shopify store, considering factors such as setup complexity, technical requirements, and developer support.

  • Ensure that the chosen payment solution integrates seamlessly with your existing e-commerce infrastructure and third-party applications.

Making the Decision: Shopify Payments vs. Third-Party Gateways

A. Choosing Shopify Payments

  • Shopify Payments may be the preferred option for merchants seeking a simple, all-in-one payment solution with seamless integration and competitive fees.

  • Consider Shopify Payments if you prioritize ease of setup, streamlined payment processing, and access to Shopify's built-in features and support services.

B. Opting for Third-Party Gateways

  • Third-party gateways offer greater flexibility, customization, and accessibility, making them suitable for merchants with specific industry requirements or international operations.

  • Choose a third-party gateway if you require specialized payment features, support for niche markets, or compatibility with existing payment infrastructure.


Selecting the right payment solution for your Shopify store is a critical decision that can impact your business's success and growth. Whether you opt for Shopify Payments or third-party gateways, it's essential to consider your business requirements, industry considerations, cost implications, and customer preferences.

By weighing the pros and cons of each option and evaluating key factors such as fees, payment method support, and integration compatibility, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your e-commerce goals and objectives. Remember that the chosen payment solution plays a pivotal role in shaping the overall user experience and customer satisfaction, so choose wisely to ensure the success of your online store.